
Industrial arts

Period 7

Undergraduate degree programs in industrial arts train students to craft wood and metal, repair machinery, use hand tools, make technical 

    Physical education

    Period 8

    This course is a freshman orientation to physical education, physical fitness, and health. It is an introduction to basic skills 
    • Students


    History – theory

    Period 4

    It is an introduction to basic skills and movement by participation and instruction in the following activities.


      Period 2

      It is an introduction to basic skills and movement by participation and instruction in the following activities: swimming, dance, duel and individual sports, and physical fitness.


        Period 1

        It is an introduction to basic skills and movement by participation and instruction in the following activities: swimming, dance, duel and individual sports, and physical fitness.


          Period 2

          It is an introduction to basic skills and movement by participation and instruction in the following activities: swimming, dance, duel and individual sports, and physical fitness.


            Period 1

            It is an introduction to basic skills and movement by participation and instruction in the following activities: swimming, dance, duel and individual sports, and physical fitness.


              Period 1

              It is an introduction to basic skills and movement by participation and instruction in the following activities: swimming, dance, duel and individual sports, and physical fitness.


                Period 4

                It is an introduction to basic skills and movement by participation and instruction in the following activities: swimming, dance, duel and individual sports, and physical fitness.

                  Industrial arts

                  Period 1

                  It is an introduction to basic skills and movement by participation and instruction in the following activities: swimming, dance, duel and individual sports, and physical fitness.
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                    martes, 03 diciembre 2024
                    • 2ºPRI B Viaje al cuerpo humano

                      martes, 03 diciembre 2024  9:09 am - 16:15 pm
                      L'Hort de Trénor

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                    • 1ºPRI A / B Visita l'hort de trenor

                      martes, 03 diciembre 2024  9:15 am - 16:20 pm
                      L'hort de trenor

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                    • 2ºPRI A Excursió pel Cos Humà

                      martes, 03 diciembre 2024  9:30 am - 16:20 pm
                      Hort de Trenor

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                    miércoles, 04 diciembre 2024
                    • 5ºPRI A / B Talleres corresponsabilidad-CASA DE LA DONA->iTm5S

                      miércoles, 04 diciembre 2024  15:00 pm - 16:25 pm
                      Salón gris

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                    domingo, 08 diciembre 2024
                    • EUCARISTÍA DE LA INMACULADA

                      domingo, 08 diciembre 2024  12:30 pm - 13:30 pm

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                    jueves, 12 diciembre 2024
                    • 1ºaños (Infantil) A / B Vialdea navideña

                      jueves, 12 diciembre 2024  9:15 am - 16:15 pm
                      Pobla Vallbona

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                    • 2ºaños (Infantil) A / B Vialdea navideña

                      jueves, 12 diciembre 2024  9:15 am - 16:15 pm
                      Pobla Vallbona

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                    • 3ºaños (Infantil) A / B Vialdea navideña

                      jueves, 12 diciembre 2024  9:15 am - 16:15 pm
                      Pobla Vallbona

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                    miércoles, 18 diciembre 2024
                    • 3ºESO A / B Teatre Tirant lo Blanch

                      miércoles, 18 diciembre 2024  8:05 am - 13:00 pm
                      Teatre Flumen

                      Ver más detalles