Year 3

Foundations of Art. Introduces students to the materials, techniques, concepts, and processes essential to understanding the visual arts and the 
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This class introduces students to the rudiments of Western music through oral, aural, and written practice utilizing rhythm, melody, intervals, 
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It is an introduction to basic skills and movement by participation and instruction in the following activities: swimming, dance, duel and individual sports, and physical fitness.
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It is an introduction to basic skills and movement by participation and instruction in the following activities: swimming, dance, duel and individual sports, and physical fitness.
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It is an introduction to basic skills and movement by participation and instruction in the following activities: swimming, dance, duel and individual sports, and physical fitness.
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It is an introduction to basic skills and movement by participation and instruction in the following activities: swimming, dance, duel and individual sports, and physical fitness.
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miércoles, 19 febrero 2025
  • 2ºBachiller A Visita Universidad de Valencia.

    miércoles, 19 febrero 2025  7:50 am - 14:00 pm
    Universidad de Valencia

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jueves, 20 febrero 2025
  • Toda la etapaaños (Infantil) A / B Viaje de los residuos->iTpTS

    jueves, 20 febrero 2025  9:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Salón de actos

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sábado, 22 febrero 2025
  • 4ºESO A / B Campeonato FLL Valencia

    sábado, 22 febrero 2025  8:00 am - 15:00 pm
    UPV Valencia

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lunes, 24 febrero 2025
  • 1ºaños (Infantil) A / B El conte dels residus->iTp1B

    lunes, 24 febrero 2025  9:30 am - 12:30 pm
    Biblioteca Primaria

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martes, 25 febrero 2025
  • 2ºaños (Infantil) A / B El conte dels residus perduts->iTp2B

    martes, 25 febrero 2025  9:30 am - 12:30 pm
    Biblioteca Primaria

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miércoles, 26 febrero 2025
  • 3ºaños (Infantil) A / B El conte dels residus perduts->iTp3B

    miércoles, 26 febrero 2025  9:30 am - 12:30 pm
    Biblioteca Primaria

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  • 4ºESO A / B San Silvestre inclusiva

    miércoles, 26 febrero 2025  10:00 am - 12:30 pm

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